High Speed LED Kit

  • $179.99

This handcrafted LED conversion kit includes all 139 bulbs that you'll need to replace the original incandescents and bring out the colors in your game. All the insert bulbs are non-ghosting, so you don't get any flickering, and it uses flexible bulbs where necessary to keep the colors from bleeding over.

Check out the video below!

Unfortunately, this game doesn't play nice with our LED flashers, so we've left them out entirely.

OCD Versions

The "With OCD" version includes regular (not non-ghosting) bulbs for controlled lighting and an LED OCD board (for inserts).  Learn more here: LED OCD Boards – Comet Pinball, Inc.


Product Specs

Inserts Non-ghosting bulbs
General Illumination Optional Splash of Green (Included)
Game Abbreviation HS